The first weekend of July was very busy.
As many as 7 measures ran in parallel.
The biggest measure was the TSB state championships in 25m, 50m and shotgun.
All facilities were completely occupied over the weekend and one state champion after the other was determined.
We congratulate the winners and wish them good luck at the German Championships in August.
The weekend of the state championships is also always a weekend for the youngsters, because two competitions of the Thuringian shooting youth are on the program here.
On Saturday, the best 6 athletes met for the JOSHI Cup finals and determined their winners.
On Sunday, the competition "Fascination Light Shooting" took place, where our youngest were allowed to compete
The DSB used the national championships in the 25m range with its junior squads of the pistol team and joined the competition as part of a training measure in preparation for the upcoming World Championships.
This was also done by the rifle squad of the DSB, who also completed a preparatory training for the upcoming World Championships on the 50m range.
But this has not been enough by far.
We also welcomed the national squad of the Paralympics to the facility.
They, too, are preparing for the World Championships soon to be held in Lima, Peru.
And even that was not it.
Because we have not yet said a word about the bow area either.
The TSB used the weekend for a base training and a coach training.